A bit quieter than usual outside Lidl on Cork St this evening at 18:30. Only two on the double yellow, at least both are facing the right way! @IBIKEDublin @GardaTraffic #Freethecyclelanes https://t.co/2ivubdyhsC
Kildare street, 17.39 pm 12/12/2017 #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/gkEAw8dbMH
Good dry cleaner, bad lane blocker. Rathmines Rd Lwr 12/12/17 15.35 #Freethecyclelanes @IBIKEDublin https://t.co/qSd1rZrKdC
Unclear why not in the empty loading bay? That’s a v busy junction #Freethecyclelanes @IBIKEDublin Rathmines Rd Lwr, Tue 12/12/17 15.25 https://t.co/0nMGo3tcQi
Handy free parking on Stephen's green. #freethecyclelanes @IBIKEDublin @GardaTraffic https://t.co/hNoTajCmz0
Cycle lanes are NOT loading bays! Any chance of enforcement at 33 Washington Street, Cork City at 14.14 on 12/12/2017 @ParkingCork @corkcitycouncil ? #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/JPoV3owDLD
@djq @GardaTraffic @IBIKEDublin Lorry blocking cycle lane and bus lane outside DHL on Pearse St at 14:02 @GardaTraffic #Freethecyclelanes @IBIKEDublin https://t.co/bM6D6qX6JF
George's Lane, Dublin 7. 24 hour cycle lane and clearway (this is becoming a full time job...) @IBIKEDublin #Freethecyclelanes https://t.co/L51I7acA8y
@IBIKEDublin @GardaTraffic Main street in Ballymun on any given day. Garda station is the lit up building in the background. Two cars illegally parked here, and a third pulled up just after. #Freethecyclelanes https://t.co/vpY3dGtCGW
Taxi 21112 reg 05D47451 parked in cycle lane on Parnell St in #DublinTown #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/t5fbsoxTgl