Traffic's pretty bad around Alfie Byrne Rd. I'd give it a miss if I were you. Perhaps something to do with bad karma (car-ma?) for deciding to use one of Dublin's few decent cycling tracks as a coach park for the evening. #FreeTheCycleLanes #SpiceUpYourBike
Tell you want I want what I really really want is a cycle lane free from buses . delighted to stopping Andy's bus from parking up on alfey burn road @IBIKEDublin @dublinblockers #FreeTheCycleLanes
The Alfie Byrne cycle path holding clear at 5.30pm even with bus drivers, Gardaí and 'Security Stewards' not helping #IBikeIVote #FreeTheCycleLanes
This is what a bike lane is supposed to look like, not a parking place for coaches dropping off Spice Girl fans #spiceupyourbike #freethecyclelanes
@mapalljohn @IBIKEDublin @dublincycling @ccferrie @CitizenW0lf But the coach park is nearly full... not. #PeopleProtected #FreeTheCycleLanes
💚#IbikeIvote Nicer than usual cycle from DCU to Pearse St with some roads around #CrokePark closed to motor traffic for #spicegirlsdublin (although coaches SHOULD NOT be parked on Alfie Byrne Rd cycle lane #freethecyclelanes ) @dublincycling 💚
People protected bike lane is up and running at Alfie Byrne Road #FreeTheCycleLanes #PeopleProtected @IBIKEDublin @sticky_bottle @IrishCycle @dublincycling @bikesnobnyc @Ollie_Cycles @
And we're off, operation #spiceupyourbike in action at Alfie Byrne road. Enjoy the gig everyone but not at the cost of our precious bike lanes #freethecyclelanes @ibikedublin
It’s time to #SpiceUpYourBike and #FreeTheCycleLanes. No more private coach parking on the cycle lanes for concerts! Cyclists need the protection segregated bike lanes provide. Coaches belong in the Transport Authority’s coach park.
A #FreeTheCycleLanes directly in front of the polling station #LE19