#freethecyclelanes #SCR #kilmainham Gardai stuck in traffic during Clearway hours. And do nothing https://t.co/wZqvpNKGcd
Earlier this evening (1859) on @S2Sdublin at Clontarf Baths. This cannot continue. Any sign of compliance with parking limited by planning permission here? #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/xsAYobXqav
24hr Mandatory lane, bus stop, end of an elevated lane. But @fastwayireland couldn't possibly park 5m round the corner safely. That'd be using two brain cells they lack. #notABus #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/JNnQVU3v70
Rocket science.. #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/GhgDeuJXSm
Ah come on. Put 12 year old on the pavement because it turns out paint is not infrastructure. #freethecyclelanes Dublin. https://t.co/n8pfUpfy0q
In a continuing gesture of Ireland becoming a more progressive country I’d love it if people (like this argumentative bus driver) didn’t park in cycle lanes. But maybe one major change in a day is enough to hope for... #FreeTheCycleLanes @dublincycling @IBIKEDublin https://t.co/kqArZgbPkz
There's about 20 cyclists behind me stopped because if this #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/0Tw9IQ8TgJ
Firhouse Road, driver standing around but I wasn't going to have a go at that address (locals will know the one) #FreeTheCycleLanes 05D6169 https://t.co/YlgBQNc01f
Come on @musgraveplc your company can do better than this. You're constantly putting vulnerable road users at risk and risking people's lives by parking dangerously and illegally. The Beacon in Sandyford @ 7.05am #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/5ey9VCAhYU
Not doing locals any favours there taking deliveries in cycle lane and clearway at rushour @QsDining #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/iYxWEeb7gp