6KM 7 vans #freethecyclelanes @GardaTraffic @Shane_RossTD Cyclist hit here very recently.. https://t.co/2scpn46oLR
6KM 7 vans #freethecyclelanes @GardaTraffic @Shane_RossTD Unbranded @dpdireland this one https://t.co/PLMNkKwaOy
6KM 7 vans #freethecyclelanes @GardaTraffic @Shane_RossTD https://t.co/HtoZGNafnR
How about enforcement of rd & traffic laws @Shane_RossTD @GardaTraffic @gardainfo Cork St Dub8 5cars illegally parked #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/En10gDgzIV
#FreeTheFootpaths #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/jyTrO8VbkW
@group_kn How's my driving? Not sure, but your parking is awful. #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/A6xNlK4hRM
Strange for @RehabIreland to put more people in danger of needing their services #FreeTheCycleLanes @gardainfo informed https://t.co/QU5rJCyjqf
Sigh... #freethecyclelanes @Shane_RossTD @DCCTraffic @GardaTraffic @dublinbikeblog https://t.co/mUN38P4jQI
#freethecyclelanes @dublincycling Morehampton Rd. D4 https://t.co/BLQaRNKLW8
#freethecyclelanes @dublincycling Morehampton Rd. D4 https://t.co/OWlvOlDdFt