Possibly the worst excuse of a cycle lane nxt to one of the most dangerous juncts. Should I grow wings?! #FreeTheCycleLanes @Shane_RossTD https://t.co/GqKEFWtLbk
https://t.co/oB1GOCu0KS #yaybikes #newspower #ciclismo #cyclingforall #allocate4cycling #freethecyclelanes #drivers #drivesafe #ebike #Vélo https://t.co/aF0ktFUiJk
@AGSI_Ireland Perhaps you would be better served improving Garda illegal parking, & Garda behaviour towards cycling? #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/sM8p0Yf9bd
https://t.co/PNQpAddaqf #yaybikes #newspower #ciclismo #cyclingforall #allocate4cycling #freethecyclelanes #drivers #drivesafe #Vélo #ebike https://t.co/Qvbc7aAUaI
#freethecyclelanes every evening there are cars parked here @GardaTraffic @dlrcc https://t.co/RrHKkhJ6Go
"Beware Traffic" Nassau Street, Monday. #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/OnSvnKHpfT
https://t.co/PNQpAddaqf @BicycleLeaders #newspower #ciclismo @MCHDespanol #CycleKings #cyclingforall #allocate4cycling #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/aclr1yeWOe
.@cocacolaie your truck AGAIN in Rathmines. Obstructing view from junction too. 👏#Freethecyclelanes #freethebuslanes https://t.co/VVzqQXw8jh
And there off! The Race to get ready for Velo City 2019 is about to start #allocate4cycling #freethecyclelanes #liffeycycle #cyclingforall https://t.co/KV0i3q8Np7
#freethecyclelanes @dublincycling Lr. Mount St., D2. @UPS Cycle track parking a No-No! Forcing us out into fast traff https://t.co/k9mbsQYVcs