#freethecyclelanes #northkingstreet #dublin @dublincycling @Dublinh8sbikes https://t.co/BbZLKKC62E
#freethecyclelanes #parnellstreet #dublin @dublincycling @Dublinh8sbikes https://t.co/Sl7x8q7Hdz
#Freethecyclelanes @dublincycling St. Stephen Green S outside @JusticeIrl this am https://t.co/OdVjB07zF8
@dublincycling @GardaTraffic #FreeTheCycleLanes Baggot St fine me for dangerous cycling avoiding taxis in cycle lane https://t.co/7j8LnTyenw
Great, now Daybreak are at it too, 08.20. Westland Row is cycle lane from 07.00-10.00 #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/9bi9CcnWUx
Ah, the oblivion of motorists (particularly the 4WD varietal) . Fun cycle home @ccferrie #FreeTheCyclelanes https://t.co/NyJerhuKke
@GTU_Galway to ban cyclists turning right into and out of this road, to facilitate motor traffic. #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/Os1auvpbxw
#FreeTheCyclelanes @nigreenways at 1st I thought he'd leave a wee gap, then he drove right to the junction https://t.co/X0eO27zA82
@dublincycling #FreeTheCycleLanes Rathmines, #allDay #recurring #reallybold #reallydontcareanyway https://t.co/lMZJJj4p9t
Letteragh Road this morning. Google StreetView 2009 https://t.co/9ZTarSUi79 #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/Ser7gKz49l