13:29 Nth Circular Rd D1 (07:00 - 19:00). #freethecyclelanes http://t.co/198wV0vxzE
Aungier street #freethecyclelanes @dublincycling http://t.co/BdfJ7rUMdC
So vans can block cycle lanes, but cyclists will be fined for using the pavement? #FreeTheCycleLanes http://t.co/kRCQmzby89
@dlooney @tampopo2236 @frankmcdonald60 @dublincycling Heres 2 more pics, from this week. Every day #FreeTheCycleLanes http://t.co/s97NEuhKjQ
#freethecyclelanes The Four Courts, Taxi's stop (and wait) here all the time http://t.co/I2ciAAWjbI
#freethecyclelanes Top of Smithfield, Dublin this afternoon. http://t.co/Fy3AWOjm3J
On the south quays at Tara street this evening. #freethecyclelanes #freetheasls @IrishCycle http://t.co/xt5MJVbw1g
One form of car free transport getting in the way of another! #FreeTheCycleLanes http://t.co/0PFjbCvU8o
#FreeTheCycleLanes @dublincycling SCR, Rialto this time.Off street parking+ builder's yard available.#noexcuse http://t.co/qakCUuNpkL
#FreeTheCycleLanes @dublincycling Still at it again today. Greenhills Rd. http://t.co/2OAcRYR607