Every single day on Dame St, @Laroussefoods and other suppliers put cyclists in danger #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/sWFyw8LIFn
#freethecyclelanes #Cork https://t.co/2F7zovklWB
The @IBIKEDublin team were active again this morning #freeTheCycleLanes -ing. https://t.co/33LChzd8j9
What are you at @KeyWaste1 ? - Clearway - Cycle Lane - Corner - Rush Hour - Single Crew (slow pickup) #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/Y0WLYGnEzY
Illegally parked cars blocking the cycle lane and road. What health and safety? @ South County Business Park @dlrcc #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/dVDz9qnjRY
@GardaTraffic @phoenixparkopw A regular occurrence in the park. Cars in mandatory cycle lane on double yellow lines. #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/e0maQVxZqH
#freethecyclelanes @dublincycling @IBIKEDublin Pearse St https://t.co/IwUMXWZuYU
#freethecyclelanes @dublincycling Mount St Lr cycle track is not an aid to business @IBIKEDublin https://t.co/jhiOjcGuVA
Hi @GardaTraffic with the number of cyclist deaths this year maybe you could #freethecyclelanes so cyclists can commute safely https://t.co/fwJADKKb7W
A Sergeant no less ! Serious effort being made to #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/jRKPqiw7gt