23 of us out protecting people on bikes this morning. Upr Camden street @IBIKEDublin in the glorious sunshine #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/8W5bCsseaV
Holding the line to keep people on bikes separated from 10 tonne double deckers. @IBIKEDublin forming a human bollard where there should be a physical boundary to keep us all safe #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/XSTKZs3J6W
Driver of this @G4SUKI van thinks any @corkcitycouncil cyclist/pedestrian/disability infrastructure is for him to park on (22.7.19 Bachelor Quay/22.8.18 Washington St). Another reason why council must protect cycle infrasturcture #corkcycylingreport #FreeTheCycleLanes #AbleHour https://t.co/Kb5M3Ikz7Q
How to put people on bikes in danger, the classic edition. Upper Camden st @GuinnessIreland that's you in the photo (paging @IBIKEDublin our work here is not done) #freethebikelanes #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/ki6xDIrQ2a
@Postvox every morning on Mount St there’s an An Post van parked blocking the cycle lane. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to ask you if endangering the lives of cyclists is company policy. What training is received by your staff regarding parking safely? #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/9bhtFHCdaa
Haven't used my Dutch bike in ages - but it sure was handy to carry our brown bag lunch & beer in today And Bones was happy to travell in the panniers of my electric bike #ibikeishop #ibikeivote #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/0zbkKNyNcQ
@DubCityCouncil So where am I supposed to go? #freethecyclelanes #StreetsAreForPeople https://t.co/POP4wvtNYN
Nothing like Sundays on Alfred St! 😒 Not much change from 11am to 12.30pm. Paint is not enough. #FreeTheCycleLanes #CorkCyclingReport https://t.co/wvvsvmu35q
We had the chance to cycle as a part of a parade in Dublin twice. The 1st one was the official @VelocitySeries bike parade from @TheCCD to St. Anne's Park and 2nd one is with @IBIKEDublin to @GuinnessIreland Cheers! #FreetheCycleLanes #VC19 photos here https://t.co/Mj62ktz0iw https://t.co/DgyUKxEiWP
#FreeTheCycleLanes Alfie Byrne Rd. this evening https://t.co/LTPiznBWep