@jcdecauxireland : poor choice of parking. #Freethecyclelanes #allocate4cycling https://t.co/qpBPJZal8v
#Freethecyclelanes @dublincycling 12 h Clearway/MU cycle track. Planning wrong! @aligrehan @DubCityCouncil https://t.co/Aht2Q1AZcE
#Rathmines in two days, twice the same spot #Ranelagh in two days, twice the same spot #FreeTheCycleLanes #allocate4cycling https://t.co/MNSv14dGwh
Van from Irish arm @DrainDoctorLtd parked in cycle lane on O Connell Street Unblocking drains while blocking cycle lane #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/2R4lFrO9pd
Every morning on this stretch of Cork St #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/QLcTEz00KW
#freethecyclelanes outside school near Cowper Luas stn. https://t.co/tWCwxBYc6A
Hi @AnPostvox - this van was blocking contra-flow cycle lane opposite Kilmaimham Gaol Friday also - can you address? #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/NQ1wdYdBg4
#freethecyclelanes Camden Quay, Cork @corkcitycouncil @DaraMurphyFG @CllrDesCahil #corkcc https://t.co/7RHateeY76
#Rathmines, Delimeat meets the cycle lane. Déjà vu. #FreeTheCycleLanes #allocate4cycling https://t.co/xlbZP8Lrd5
#Freethecyclelanes @dublincycling N11, Morehampton Rd. No provision for goods delivery. Planning for #hostilearchsgd https://t.co/ytFM4F82o3