#FreeTheCycleLanes #Rathmines 8.45am 1/n https://t.co/p2uf0cYTbu
Howth road clearway #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/2Cr7LUqNay
#FreeTheCycleLanes #Ranelagh 9.00am https://t.co/89qnh7OWi8
Paint is not protection. Expensive plastic straws are not protection. Orcas are not protection. Enforcement IS protection. Concrete is protection. Steel bollards are protection. #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/GvWkri9gSP
Howth rd #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/cI9ujFLi9l
Howth rd clearway @dubcitycouncil #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/3t79w47HyL
I’d to stop traffic so mobility scooter user could use road & pass this idiot’s truck on footpath & bike lane. It isn’t just cyclists & pedestrians who @corkcitycouncil protects when it will finally (constant optimist) segregate & #FreeTheCycleLanes South Main St 12.16pm 11/03/20 https://t.co/i9B3cmmlsg
#FreeTheCycleLanes Outside Lidl's #FreeBasementCarPark https://t.co/aj8x8MSbrl
Hey @DubCityCouncil why would your truck driver think that the bike lane on Merrion St is a good place to park? This endangers cyclists. Do you have a policy on this? @DCCTraffic @LaceyDermot @hazechu #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/533y7gGXwb
Cork invented the counter-flow parking lane. Sunday, 2020 March 8, 17:39 #badparkingcork #freethecyclelanes @BadParkingCork @GardaTraffic @corkcitycouncil @IBIKECork @CorkCyclingCrew https://t.co/hSjS3Fxd7n