@corkcitycouncil wtf #freethecyclelanes https://t.co/qyq4A5IMOB
There’s a bus lane in there somewhere, I think? #northhumberlandroad #freethecyclelanes #cycling #commuting #traffic @GardaTraffic @DublinCommuters @dublincycling @SafeCyclingEire https://t.co/8QzV0kXgpW
Howth Road, just past supervalue #FreeTheCycleLanes https://t.co/xim8wNyu5S
Typical commute across Dublin #FreeTheCycleLanes @DubCityCouncil @dublincycling @DublinCommuters @IBIKEDublin @IrishCycle @SafeCyclingEire https://t.co/NbuHSScAga
#FreeTheCycleLanes #MespilRoad 2.30pm 5/n https://t.co/1wP3wysUY8
#FreeTheCycleLanes #Ranelagh 5.45pm 6/6 The best for the end: Garda vehicle dropping two passengers (took them a good few minutes), and leave without giving any attention to the car in front. https://t.co/S44tiJxALN
#FreeTheCycleLanes #MespilRoad 2.30pm 4/n This one is ALWAYS there. https://t.co/5mOKUzvYGD
#FreeTheCycleLanes #MerrionSq 2.30pm 3/n https://t.co/UlrRsVZmck
#FreeTheCycleLanes #LeesonStreet 1pm 1/n https://t.co/jolxkSIaPr
#FreeTheCycleLanes #LeesonStreet 1pm 2/n Mishie Suchie has no clue about cycle lane. The road is probably not wide enough for this driver. https://t.co/HDiBSD8IfZ